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dodson motor Sport   Dual Clutch upgrades

established since 1991 with over 40 years transmission experience.
  1. Beds Automatic Transmissions working with dodson motorsport in supply clutch upgrades to certain vehicles such as;

    VW/AUDI DQ250/02E




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What We Offer

Vehicles Are Very Complex

We will use our 40+ years of fault finding experience to resolve your vehicle problems. We are specialists. We have the best trained staff..

Expertise Saves You Money

We are trained on the latest systems and are equipped to the best standards. We have the best technical resources. We have a vast amount of specific experience.


How Does It

We agree a budget with you and stick to it. We put you in control of the repair process, your car, your problem, your money, you decide.


Featured Services

Nvh problem's

The root of all NVH problems is a vibration. In some cases, these are unwanted or unexpected vibrations, and in other cases, they are normal and always present (e.g. engine combustion), but they are noticeably disturbing when transmitted to the passenger compartment. Sound is simply a vibration that is transmitted through the air (or another medium) and is heard when it reaches a person's ear. Although the perfect hearing range is 20 Hz to 20 kHz, most of us are more like 100 Hz to 15 kHz at best. Vibrations are usually felt at frequencies below 200 Hz, and in the overlapping frequency, range vibrations can be both felt and heard.

In order to deal with this frequency range effectively, our NVH kits contain both microphones (for sound), and accelerometers (for vibrations). Traditionally, NVH problems have been viewed as difficult to solve, with NVH complaints being subjective as people have different levels of NVH acceptance or feeling. A technician needs the right tools and procedures to be able to tackle these issues effectively, to diagnose complaints in an objective, repeatable and easy manner. The NVH kit does this, while also generating customer reports to show that an improvement has been made against the customer’s complaint.

Vehicle Problem Assessment

Your vehicle problems solved by specialist diagnostics services in Luton. Highly trained  Technicians accurately identify vehicle faults and problems. We’ll advise on the necessary repair process. We will confirm the cause and suggest a course of action to solve the problem. You choose what you what to do. You remain in control of the budget. We apply our expertise, our experience, our resources and our skill in equal measure to ensure your problem is resolved in the most cost effective, value for money way

We have a vast inventory of main dealer equipment which includes; Ford IDS & FRDS Mercedes Star and aftermarket equipment such as; Snap-on Zeus, Autologic, Autel. Another piece of equipment used is an first look sensor. The FirstLook Engine Diagnostic Sensor offers a fast and accurate method to diagnose automotive engine problems such as burnt valves, bad injectors and other performance problems without major disassembly of the engine. When connected to the exhaust or vacuum side of the engine to be tested the FirstLook engine diagnostic sensors enables our technicians to quickly display a complete picture of core engine performance on a suitable digital storage lab scope.




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transmission  Maintenance & Advice

Phasellus volutpat in leo ut finibus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum

Nunc tortor sit amet, lacinia mattis leo. Maecenas iaculis dui et eros ullamcorper pulvinar. Pellentesque dapibus, ex quis maximus sollicitudin, lorem est dapibus felis, ut feugiat mauris ante in turpis. Phasellus volutpat in leo ut finibus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Phasellus in nibh aliquam augue ullamcorper feugiat. Aenean consequat tellus ac fringilla gravida. Nulla condimentum ligula nec viverra pretium. Integer bibendum ligula nec mi placerat, nec mollis elit varius.

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Consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque eu faucibus justo.

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Expert Tips

Maecenas iaculis dui et eros ullamcorper pulvinar. Pellentesque dapibus, ex quis maximus sollicitudin, lorem est dapibus felis, ut feugiat mauris ante in turpis. Phasellus volutpat in leo ut finibus. Interdum et malesuada fames.